jQuery in Zen Cart

Developer information on the use of the jQuery library

jQuery in the Zen Cart Storefront

The use of jQuery in the Zen Cart storefront is very much template dependent, with each template making its own choices.

Template Default in general will use the same version as the admin does.

To see which jQuery version your template uses, look at includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/common/html_header.php. You will see something like

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-o88AwQnZB+VDvE9tvIXrMQaPlFFSUTR+nldQm1LuPXQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

which shows you version 3.6.1 is in use.

You can also open a browser window to the storefront, open the Chrome Developer Tools console and type


to see the jQuery version.

jQuery in Zen Cart Admin

jQuery has been used in the Zen Cart admin since Zen Cart version 1.5.5. The following chart shows the association between jQuery and Zen Cart versions.

jQuery Zen Cart Admin
jQuery 3.7.1 ZC 2.1.0
jQuery 3.6.1 ZC 1.5.8-2.0.1
jQuery 3.5.1 ZC 1.5.7
jQuery 3.4.0 ZC 1.5.6
jQuery 1.12.4 ZC 1.5.5

jQuery UI

The jQuery UI library has been used in the Zen Cart admin since 1.5.6.

jQuery UI Zen Cart Admin
jQuery UI 1.14.0 ZC 2.1.x
jQuery UI 1.13.2 ZC 1.5.8-2.0.x
jQuery UI 1.12.1 ZC 1.5.6-1.5.7

Help on jQuery and jQuery UI

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

Is there an error or omission on this page? Please post to General Questions on the support forum. Or, if you'd like to open a pull request, just review the guidelines and get started. You can even PR right here.
Last modified August 19, 2024 by Chris Brown (8f8e103).