Directory Structure

Directory Structure

Plugins written for the new architecture will reside in the zc_plugins directory. Within their directory, plugin authors can add subdirectories that mimic the main Zen Cart directories. Note how each plugin starts with a versioned directory. This allows for automated upgrades and the possibility of downgrading as well.

Note that the admin sub-directory must be called admin here (not renamed) and the catalog sub-directory contains the storefront files.


  • zc_plugins
    • PluginName
      • v1.0.0
        • manifest.php
        • Installer
        • admin
          • includes
            • auto_loaders
            • classes
              • observers
            • extra_configures
            • extra_datafiles
            • functions
              • extra_functions
            • init_includes
            • javascript
            • languages
              • english
                • extra_definitions
        • catalog
          • includes
            • auto_loaders
            • classes
              • ajax
              • observers
            • extra_configures
            • extra_datafiles
            • functions
              • extra_functions
            • init_includes
            • languages
              • english
                • extra_definitions
            • modules
              • pages
              • sideboxes
            • templates
              • default
                • common (note that only additional common files will be loaded!)
                • css
                • images
                • jscript
                • templates
      • v1.0.1
        • Uses a similar structure to v1.0.0, with any files added/modified/removed since that version


  1. Zen Cart v1.5.7 or later is required. Plugins for prior versions must be installed directly into the main Zen Cart directory structure.

  2. The Installer folder is optional; you can embed the installation logic in your plugin if you prefer. See Installer Classes and Plugin SQL Installation for details on using the Installer folder.

  3. Naming an /admin/javascript/ file the same name as your PHP file name will make it automatically load. If you have additional .js files to load, give them names starting with the PHP file name followed by an underscore. For example, if you create a file called admin/rewards.php, the autoloader will load admin/includes/javascript/rewards.js, as well as any JavaScript file whose name matches the pattern admin/includes/javascript/rewards_*.js, e.g. admin/includes/javascript/rewards_sha-256.js.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

Is there an error or omission on this page? Please post to General Questions on the support forum. Or, if you'd like to open a pull request, just review the guidelines and get started. You can even PR right here.
Last modified May 26, 2024 by lat9 (933b0af).