Pre-Release Notes

Note: This step only apples to pre-release version updates, which are done at the time of initiation of a new release.

If you are doing official release, please skip this step and go to the next step.

Git Work

The master branch is now the current release. If a patch is being done from a release in the past, create a branch for that patch.

Versioning files

Before doing the version updates, create a new branch specifically for these changes.

Here’s what should be in these files for version 2.1.0:

# File Version
1 includes/version.php alpha: define('PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR', '1.0-alpha1');
final: define('PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR', '1.0');
2 zc_install/includes/version.php alpha: define('PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR', '1.0-alpha1');
final: define('PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR', '1.0');
3 zc_install/sql/install/mysql_zencart.sql alpha: project_version_major and project_version_minor for the two Zen-Cart Main rows should be 2 and 1.0-alpha1.
CHECK CAREFULLY - look at all rows
final: project_version_major and project_version_minor for the two Zen-Cart Main rows should be 2 and 1.0.
CHECK CAREFULLY - look at all rows
4 zc_install/sql/updates/mysql_upgrade_zencart_210.sql alpha: project_version_major and project_version_minor should match the install file. project_version_comment for the two version rows should be Version Update 2.0.0->2.1.0-alpha1

CHECK CAREFULLY - look at all rows
final: project_version_major and project_version_minor should match the install file. project_version_comment for the two version rows should be Version Update 2.0.0->2.1.0

CHECK CAREFULLY - look at all rows
5 zc_install/includes/systemChecks.yml Top checkDBVersion* block should look for version: '2.1.0'
6 zc_install/includes/version_upgrades.php '2.1.0'=>array('required'=>'2.0.0'),

Shortcut for editing these 6 files:

vi includes/version.php zc_install/includes/version.php zc_install/sql/install/mysql_zencart.sql zc_install/sql/updates/mysql_upgrade_zencart_210.sql zc_install/includes/systemChecks.yml zc_install/includes/version_upgrades.php

Note that in most cases, includes/version.php and zc_install/includes/version.php will be identical.

PHP Compatibility

If the new version has different PHP compatibility ranges than the prior one, be sure to update:

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

Is there an error or omission on this page? Please post to General Questions on the support forum. Or, if you'd like to open a pull request, just review the guidelines and get started. You can even PR right here.
Last modified September 1, 2024 by Scott Wilson (86c8cd5).