Customizing your Site

Customizing the appearance of your store

Adding Pages to my site

Creating a new page for your store

Admin customization

Changing the look of your back end

Changing your site's appearance

Changing the look of your shopping cart

Creating Links to Other Pages

How to create intra-site links

Longer Product Name

How do I increase the length of the product name field?

Protecting pages

Ensuring pages are only accessible by certain users

Show Flags

Changing the behavior of your cart from the admin

Site Specific Overrides

More ways to customize your cart’s behavior without modifying core files

Sort Order for product listing pages

Changing how products are sorted on an index listing page

Template System

Template customization and building overrides

Using Customer Groups

Customizing your site using Customer Groups

Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to General Questions on the support forum.
Last modified May 22, 2020 by Scott C Wilson (68b7311d).