Introduction to Email in Zen Cart
Overview of the email system
Overview of the email system
Emails are not being received - deliverability issues
Next steps for deliverability, including SFP, DKIM and DMARC
Modifying emails which are sent when orders are updated
How do I add a message to my order confirmation emails?
What is an audience in Zen Cart?
Changing the Zen Cart Email Subject Line
Correcting typos in email addresses
Changing the appearance of email sent by Zen Cart
Keeping a record of email sent by Zen Cart
SMTPAuth and other ways to send email
Creating a CSV of customer email addresses
Creating email addresses for customers who don’t have them
How do I use Gmail for email?
Multilanguage HTML email
Sending bulk email
Customers can’t see my email because it goes to SPAM
How HTML mail is formatted in Zen Cart
How do I change the logo in my Zen Cart HTML emails ?
Sending newsletters in Zen Cart
Letting someone else handle your Zen Cart email
The email sent when a new account is created
What file has my email?
HTML email doesn’t work