Product Weight - changing from pounds (lbs) to kg
2.0.0 and above
Starting in Zen Cart 2.0, the SHIPPING_WEIGHT_UNITS
field is added to the configuration table to assist shipping module developers who wish to offer dimensional shipping please see please see Shipping Dimensions for details. :
The screen referenced is:
When you change
to kgyou will also want to change these language defines in
This way your storefront will show the correct units. See 1.5.8 below for details
Your admin will show the weight units which are indicated by the setting of the constant above, SHIPPING_WEIGHT_UNITS
. Except for the orders detail and products attribute preview pages, to change this you need to change the language defines in YOURADMIN/includes/languages/lang.english.php
The easiest way to do the for zen cart 2.0+ is to create a lang.admin_override.php file in YOURADMIN/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/ and add the value to the define array. See [UK Customisation - Date to dd/mm/yy, weight to kg, and USD to GBP](/user/localization/uk_language_overide_files/#Admin file changes).
Edit includes/languages/YOURTEMPLATE/lang.english.php
. (Copy includes/languages/lang.english.php
to includes/languages/YOURTEMPLATE/lang.english.php
if the override file doesn’t already exist.)
Find the following lines of code:
Change the highlighted portions, making sure that the single quote marks are not left out.
1.5.7 and below
Edit includes/languages/YOURTEMPLATE/english.php
. (Copy includes/languages/english.php
to includes/languages/YOURTEMPLATE/english.php
if the override file doesn’t already exist.)
Find the following lines of code:
Change the highlighted portions, making sure that the single quote marks are not left out.