Tracking Inventory
Many options exist for stock management and inventory tracking. See Admin > Configuration > Stock for details.
Common configurations are:
1. Don’t track stock
Check stock level = false
Subtract stock = false
Allow Checkout = true
This configuration is well suited for stores that sell virtual products, which can’t be depleted.
2. Track stock, but permit backorders
Check stock level = true
Subtract stock = true
Allow Checkout = true
This configuration is ideal for stores that sell products where manufacturers can fill re-orders easily and out-of-stock or discontinuation situations are unlikely.
3. Track stock, do not permit backorders
Check stock level = true
Subtract stock = true
Allow Checkout = false
This configuration would be a good match for stores that sell unique or limited quantity products, such as artisan produced goods.
Status handling for Subtract stock = true
Stores that track stock (i.e. have Subtract stock = true) also need to decide on whether changes are required to the status of a product when the quantity in stock goes to zero.
The configuration setting Products status in Catalog when out of stock should be set to
controls this. When set to 0, a product will change status to Disabled when the last one is sold. When set to 1, no status change will occur.
What about Variant Stock?
Please see Variant Stock.
Note: Enabling POSM forces Subtract stock = true
What LIFO stock tracking or ERP?
Zen Cart does not provide ERP functionality that some larger businesses may require. Please see ERP for ideas.
Are there plugins that help with stock keeping?
See also DbIo and EasyPopulate.