
Charging your customers for delivery

About Shipping Modules

How can I ship orders?

FedEx Setup

Shipping via Federal Express (FedEx)

Free Shipping

Handling delivery when shipping is not required

Individual Per Item shipping charges

How can I set up individual shipping charges per item?

Printing Shipping Labels

Options for printing shipping labels

Shipping Calculations

Weight, tare and shipping rates

Shipping Dimensions

product dimensions and shipping configuration

Shipping Exceptions

How to disable shipping modules based on conditions

Table Rate Shipping Module Setup

How to price shipping by item weight, price or count

UPS Setup

Shipping via United Parcel Service (UPS)

USPS Setup

Shipping via United States Postal Service

Zone Definitions for Shipping

Creating your own zone definitions

Zones Module Setup

How to price shipping by destination zone

Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to General Questions on the support forum.
Last modified August 29, 2020 by Scott C Wilson (8de0edc3).