Sitemap - Storefront Pages

Sitemap of the front end

Quick Links:

About Us Page

Tell the story of your business

Accessibility page

The accessibility policy for your store

Add to Cart

Controlling add to cart operation in your store

Ask A Question page

The product question page

Brands Page

A page facilitating search by manufacturer.

Category Listing Page

The category listing page

Checkout Shipping - Checkout Payment - Checkout Confirmation - Checkout Success pages

The customer checkout flow

Conditions page

The terms and conditions for your store

Contact Us page

The email form page

Define Pages

Shipping Info, Privacy, Conditions of Use and other define pages


EZ-Pages in the storefront

Home Page

Configuring your site’s main page

Listing Pages

New Products, Featured Products, All Products and Product listing pages

Page 2, Page 3 and Page 4

The built-in extra pages

Page Not Found page

The built-in 404 page

Privacy page

The privacy policy for your store

Product Info Page

The add to cart page

Product Listing Page

The product listing page

Reviews Page

Allowing customers to provide product feedback

Shipping and Returns

The shipping policy for your store

Shopping Cart Page

The customer’s basket

Site Map Page

The store site map

Specials Page

Highlighting products with reduced prices

Storefront Pages - A Complete List

All the pages in your storefront

Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to General Questions on the support forum.
Last modified January 3, 2023 by Scott C Wilson (2aed08c).