Define Pages

Customizing your store with define pages

Define pages are special pieces of content that appear above normal page content for certain pages. Unlike language strings, Define pages may be modified in the Admin. The Admin > Tools > Define Pages Editor help page lists the pages with define page content.

The phrase “Define Pages” can also be used to refer to the stand-alone pages whose content is created in the Define Pages Editor, and which are controlled using the Define Pages Status admin page.

The Define pages also come with a set of controls in admin, which are shown on Admin > Configuration > Define Pages Status. These controls allow you to determine whether the block of content created by the Define Pages editor is shown on the associated page, and whether links to the associated page will be created.

  • The setting Link ON means a link to the page will be created in any content block which is designed to link to this page. For example, setting Link ON for Define Page 2 means a link to index.php?main_page=page_2 will be created in the Responsive Classic Mobile Menu, the More Information Sidebox and the Site Map. Conversely, Link OFF means no such link will be created.

  • The setting Define Text ON means the text created in the Define Pages Editor will be displayed on the page in question. For example, setting Define Text ON for Define Main Page Status means the text created in define_main_page.php in the Define Pages Editor will be displayed on the home page. Conversely, Define Text OFF for this page means the text will not be displayed.

As noted above, Define Text ON always behaves the same way - it simply enables or disables the display of the block of text associated with it. Link ON is different: it controls the creation of links to the associated page. The interpretation of Link ON is done as follows:

Status Flag Name Behavior if Link ON
Define Main Page Status None
Define Contact Us Status Link to Contact Us page created in Site Map, Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Privacy Status Link to Privacy page created in Site Map and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Shipping & Returns Link to Shipping Information page created in Site Map, Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Conditions of Use Link to Conditions of Use page created in Site Map, Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Checkout Success None
Define Discount Coupon Link to Discount Coupon page created in Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Site Map Status Link to Site Map created in Site Map, Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Page-Not-Found Status None
Define Page 2 Link to Page 2 created in Site Map, More Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Page 3 Link to Page 3 created in Site Map, More Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu
Define Page 4 Link to Page 4 created in Site Map, More Information Sidebox and Responsive Classic Mobile Menu

Link ON is also interpreted by some popular plugins such as Flexible Footer.

The pages listed below are considered Define Pages, since their content is controlled using the Define Pages Editor.

Page Name File URL
About Us define_about_us.php index.php?main_page=about_us (1.5.8 and above)
Accessibility define_accessibility.php index.php?main_page=accessibility (2.0.0 and above)
Ask a Question define_ask_a_question.php index.php?main_page=ask_a_question (1.5.7 and above)
Conditions of Use define_conditions.php index.php?main_page=conditions
Contact Us define_contact_us.php index.php?main_page=contact_us
Discount Coupon define_discount_coupon.php index.php?main_page=coupons
Privacy define_privacy.php index.php?main_page=privacy
Shipping Info define_shippinginfo.php index.php?main_page=shippinginfo
Site Map define_site_map.php index.php?main_page=site_map
Page Not Found define_page_not_found.php non-existent page
Page 2 define_page_2.php index.php?main_page=page_2
Page 3 define_page_3.php index.php?main_page=page_3
Page 4 define_page_4.php index.php?main_page=page_4

These pages have other information in addition to the define page content:

Page Name File URL
Shopping Cart define_shopping_cart.php index.php?main_page=shopping_cart
Checkout Success define_checkout_success.php index.php?main_page=checkout_success
Home Page define_main_page.php index.php

Some newer pages use the site specific overrides file for enabling/disabling links instead of Configuration > Define Pages:

  • About Us
  • Brands

If your needs go beyond what is provided by the define pages, take a look at the FAQ on adding pages, which describes several ways to build custom pages for your Zen Cart installation.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

Is there an error or omission on this page? Please post to General Questions on the support forum. Or, if you'd like to open a pull request, just review the guidelines and get started. You can even PR right here.
Last modified August 27, 2024 by Scott Wilson (534354e).