Listing Page Layout

How Zen Cart shows multiple results on one page

Listing Pages are used to show groups of results. Examples of listing pages are:

  • New Products
  • Featured Products
  • All Products
  • Product Listing page for a specific category (Index Listing Page)

There are specific configurations for these pages:

These four pages are share some of the same layout features:

  • stacked rows with one product per row. Note that since 1.5.7b, it has been possible to display products in a grid layout with multiple columns per row.
  • paginated results display so that only a subset of the total number of results are shown on each page. Navigation is provided between pages of results.

Three of the pages, New, Featured, and All Products, have configuration settings that are identical in nature. The full explanation for these display settings can be found here: New/Featured/All Listing Configuration Settings.

The Product Listing page configuration is a bit different. A full explanation for its display settings can be found here: Product Listing Configuration Settings.

The Admin > Configuration > Index Listing configuration settings are actually for Centerboxes, not the Product Listing page. This is explained in the Index Listing Configuration FAQ.

Buy Button Behavior - Index listing page

The option to buy from the index listing page is controlled by two settings in Configuration > Product Listing page:

  • Display Product Add to Cart Button
  • Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status and Set Button Location

Assuming all products on the listing page may be added to the cart:

  • if Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status is 0 and Display Product Add to Cart Button is 1, a “Buy Now” button is shown on the listing page for each product. Only one of each product may be added at a time.
  • if Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status is 0 and Display Product Add to Cart Button is 2, an “Add to Cart” button with a quantity box is shown on the listing page for each product.
  • if Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status is non-zero, a quantity box is shown for each product on the listing page. At the top and bottom of the page, buttons are provided which add all non-zero quantities of products set on that page.

Buy Button Behavior - other listing pages

The option to buy from the New, Featured and All listing pages is controlled by two settings in the specific configuration page shown above:

  • Display Product Buy Now Button
  • Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status and Set Button Location

Assuming the first config is non-zero, and all products on the listing page may be added to the cart:

  • if Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status is zero, and the a “Buy Now” button is shown on the listing page for each product. Only one of each product may be added at a time.
  • if Display Multiple Products Qty Box Status is non-zero, a quantity box is shown for each product on the listing page. At the top and bottom of the page, buttons are provided which add all non-zero quantities of products set on that page.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

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Last modified May 29, 2023 by Scott C Wilson (a78d29f0).