Add to Cart

Controlling add to cart operation in your store

The scope of this FAQ is stores in normal mode (STORE_STATUS = 0), and products with:

  • Stock sufficient for a sale (per the stock settings).
  • The Call for Price flag set to “No.”

When we say “Add to Cart” it could be:

  • a “Buy Now” button
  • a quantity box where the whole page is a form with “Add Selected to Cart” buttons at the top and/or bottom
  • a quantity box with an “Add to Cart” button next to it

The ability to Add to Cart will always be provided on the product info page.

It may optionally appear on other pages (such as listing pages) under the following conditions:

If these conditions are not met, the “More Info …” button is displayed instead of “Buy Now” (or “Add to Cart”), and pressing this button will go to the product info page.

Actions after Add to Cart

Once an add to cart is performed, the following checks are done:

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Last modified May 29, 2023 by Scott C Wilson (a78d29f0).